Imagine your favourite superhero figurine with your face on it. Or imagine gifting your girlfriend her ‘Mini Klone’ that she can keep on her desk forever. Or freezing your favourite moment - a miniature replica of your favourite person or even your pet- in 3D. If that excites you, then I bring to you the futuristic Mini Klone- your printed photographic portraits, using the latest in 3D printing technology to capture your own image in 3D that you can literally hold on to.
Created in association with Next2Future, Mini Klone is a brand name I have trademarked in an attempt to provide a twist to the conventional figurines and take them a notch higher. We make them using photographs or by doing a full body scan of a person. The final result is very similar to Plaster of Paris or porcelain with a slightly rough texture or the sandstone finish.
This process can be used for replicating anything from people to pets to cars and bikes, toys, buildings, etc. You can also use it for creating original designs for statues, jewelry, metal, edible chocolates and more. It’s sturdy, it’s fun and the best gift you can give to a friend or family or someone special, at any occasion.